Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Advent 2012 Christmas Eve
December 24, 2012
Before becoming a State Convention Consultant and then Association Executive Director, as a pastor the Christmas Eve service was one the best attended services during the year. It was so much fun to see the excitement and wonder of Christmas through the eyes of the children and to hear what they were thinking about. On one particular Christmas Eve the service had just concluded. Some of the people had left others were still talking and wishing one another Merry Christmas when one of the members came into the auditorium and excitedly said, “Brother Randy, there’s a fire on the second floor!” We asked everyone to leave as the fire trucks were rolling up in front of the church. When it was all said and done, someone had come into the building and had lit a cigarette and pushed it into a roll of toilet paper and placed it on the tank in the boy’s restroom. We were grateful no one was hurt, and besides it got the restrooms refurbished and the carpets in the hall cleaned. Just about every Christmas Eve I will think of that service as the night fire came to the church.
Imagine, what it might have been like for Mary and Joseph the night Jesus was born. I wonder if they kept warm with a small camp fire. I wonder also if the light was from the lamps. I wonder if they were scared at what was about to happen. I wonder if they were excited about the baby who had been promised by the angel of the Lord. I wonder? It’s something to think about.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
December 23, 2012
This is the final Sunday of Advent or the Week of Joy. Traditionally the final purple candle would be lit scripture would be read concerning the joy at Christmas and a song and prayer would complete the family devotion.
Sitting around the dinner table with our immediate family has never been a formal, dignified nor solemn event. As our children were growing up the dinner table was the one place where there was free air time. Any subject that was on their mind that they wanted to talk about was good subject matter including those hard to handle subjects. I always had a little dread in my mind that someday “that subject” would come up. It did. We were enjoying our meal talking about this and that when our son from out of the blue asks, “What does gay mean?” After a momentary pause that seemed like fifteen minutes we began the explanation. My wife and I were confident that we had answered biblically and correctly. After our conversation he simply said, “Oh, my teacher was reading a story where the people were in gay clothing, and I didn’t know what she meant.” There is great unspeakable joy when you are with the people you love and care about.
When I read Matthew’s account of how the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph after he found out that Mary was pregnant, I am convinced that this was a man who had moral fiber, magnificent faith, and much love for Mary. By law he could have had her stoned. He could have put her away and never married her. But because of the Word from God, he took her to be his wife and never knew her until after the birth of the Savior. I can only imagine the conversations around their table. For today reread Matthew 1:17-2:15 and think about the joy Joseph had because He simply trusted and obeyed the Lord. It’s something to think about.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 20
December 21, 2012
By the time our daughter was born, the birthing process took place in a single room and any one the family wanted could witness the event. With our son, which was eight years earlier, we had gone from prep room to labor room, to delivery room and then the post room before getting into a room where folks could come. One thing that I will always appreciate about being in the room with their births is being present when there is that momentary silence followed by the little gasp of a breath of inhaled air that almost sounds like a hic cup and then their first cry. It’s the sound of a long awaited time two parents have longed for fulfilled.
When Jesus was born in the barn of the inn, the only witnesses recorded were Mary, Joseph and the animals stabled there. Through the pains of labor came that momentary silence followed by the little gasp of air by the baby born of a virgin according to the will and power of God. Not only was it a fulfillment for two parents, but all of history from as far back as the garden had looked forward to the fulfillment of God’s promised Messiah Savior for all mankind.
As we reread Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus, read both chapter 1 and 2 and see how God’s plan fit together and then rejoice that we can look back rejoicing in what Christ has done. It’s something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 19
December 20, 2012
Thirty years ago this December we welcomed our son into this world. As hard as it is to believe, this was back before cell phones and especially cell phones with cameras and text messaging and everything we enjoy now. To announce his birth I had to get on a pay phone, connect with the operator and give the number. Although it only took a minute or so, it seemed like an hour before my dad was on the line and I could share the news of the first grandchild being born.
One thing that they did in the hospital for the birth certificate was to make an ink image of his foot. In addition the nurse made an image of his foot on a note card for his scrap book and handed it to me. As the day went on and people were coming by, our best friends volunteered to sit with my wife and allow me to go get something to eat. Once seated at the restaurant, the waitress came to the table and asked if we were ready to order. I announced that I was a new dad. She kindly congratulated me, upon which I asked if she would like to see a picture of my new born son. She again politely said yes. So I immediately produced the note card with my son’s footprint and asked if she could see a resemblance. We all had a good laugh and a wonderful conversation.
According to Luke 2:17-18; When the shepherds saw him, they told them what the angel had said about the child. And all those who heard marveled about the things spoken to them by the shepherds. Seeing and experiencing the Christ child must have been an experience they could not contain within themselves. They had to tell others. As we celebrate Christmas let us also come into His presence and remember what He has done for us. If we really get serious with our observations we will not be able to contain ourselves, but will want to share with others the good things He has done. It’s something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 18
December 19, 2012
I haven't met many people who do not like to receive some sort of gifts at Christmas. One different kind of gift I received was a baby calf. It was an extremely wet and cold Christmas Eve in Oklahoma. We had been watching a couple of heifers that were about to calve (have a baby cow) in case they had problems. After feeding that morning we realized one was missing. We found her and the calf by the pond at the back of the property. The calf could not get up on his own or walk due to the fact that he had been born and laid in ice all night freezing his knee joints. We took the calf and cow to the barn. Working daily with the calf got him where he could stand and walk like a buffalo. The calf was given to me for the effort to save him.
When the Wise men bowed before the baby Jesus they presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These were gifts fit for a king, a priest, and a Savior.
We have the opportunity this year to offer our gift of praise, our life in service, and voice of adoration to the one who died for all. It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 17
December 18, 2012
There I was standing in the choir loft of Lone Star Baptist Church with twelve others practicing for the Christmas music program. Lone Star was a small country church that on a high attendance Sunday would have maybe 35. The choir for Christmas was about half the congregation. At that time in my life, I thought I had a pretty good voice. I could sing loud and project real well. After all I had sung second soprano in the All city boys choir one spring concert when I was in fifth grade before my voice changed. Choir practice was going well I thought until the Music Director stopped us and announced that someone was off. He gave us the note and we started to sing again. Just as before, He stopped us with the same announcement. At that point he asked me if I would come down and help him figure out who it was. Knowing my own history I gladly assisted. We finished choir practice that night and I was given the narrator's role. We never figured out who was singing flat. So far in my ministry I have served in various positions; but God has never called me to lead music.
The night of Jesus' birth, after the announcement came to the shepherds, the sky according to Luke 2 was filled with the heavenly choir shouting the praises to God for what He was doing in bringing the Savior to the earth as a baby.
In the midst of everything we do maybe as part of our preparation and as part of our family celebration we take time to praise The Lord with our voices no matter how they sound. It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 16
December 17, 2012
There is something very unique about laughter. On my phone I have as my general ringer: laughter. Every time my phone goes off in a crowd its fun to watch people's reactions. First they look around to see what is happening, then it begins, a little smile that grows larger and eventually a little chuckle or sometimes out and out laughter. Even in a meeting when the phone is supposed to be off, it will create a joy filled atmosphere most of the time.
When the angel of The Lord announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds recorded in Luke 2 it brought great joy. At first there was great fear. This was followed by uncertainty and eventually great joy after they had seen the baby Jesus. The shepherds returned glorifying God. How cool is that; doing the daily activities when one experiences unexpected joy.
This Christmas instead of grousing about traffic, crowds, and whatever, find a child you know, get them tickled and watch how it changes attitudes. And be like the shepherds who glorified God for the joy they had experienced with Jesus. It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 15
December 16, 2012
The third week of Advent is traditionally referred to as the week of Love with the pink candle being lit.
I was thinking about my wife and my first Christmas. Finances were tight to the point that our pinched pennies had Lincoln without a beard. The tree ornaments were made of dough cookies in the shapes of the 12 days of Christmas. I really don't remember what we gave each other, but I do remember that our gifts to each other we're thought through, selected, and given in love.
The original love gift at Christmas was God's gift to all mankind. It was thought through, planned, and purposed. It was the baby who would grow up, endure all that life could throw at Him and He never sinned. He would die on a cross for the sins of all mankind. John 3:16 sums up why Jesus died. It was because of Love.
As we continue to prepare for Christmas let us consider our gift to one another and God's gift of love to us. It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 14
December 15, 2012
The events that occurred in Connecticut have affected each of us. This is a tragedy of the worst kind. Taking the life of the children and those who were trying to protect them seems to be such a tragedy. We are a people who want to do for others who are hurting. The one thing we can do is pray to the giver of Peace. The Heavenly Father who gathered the children in His arms and blessed them.
As tragic as these events have been, I am reminded that Herod, after the wise men did not return to him, ordered the killing of the children three years and younger. Matthew 2:16-18 is the account of this.
As we conclude the Advent week of Peace, let us pray for these families and others that they might experience the comfort and strength that can be had from the Prince of Peace. It's something to think about and do.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 13
December 14, 2012
Christmas and Easter are my two most favorite annual celebrations. On Christmas we decorate the inside and outside of the house. I've told some that it looks like Christmas threw-up inside. Over the years we have had different things outside. For several years we had a homemade Mickey Mouse characters nativity. We changed the characters to be a tree decorating party. One year I built a life size nativity using wood, chicken wire, wigs and a Styrofoam heads. One particular night while it was up, the doorbell rang. At the door was the neighbor from across the street. My first reaction was that something was wrong, as there were tears in her eyes. She explained that a few weeks prior she had asked Jesus into her heart and that for the first time she really understood Christmas.
Isn't fascinating that the religious leaders could tell Herod where the Messiah was to be born, but never understood who Jesus was. As we read the birth account recorded by Matthew in chapter two is reminded that to know the story is one thing, to know the baby of the story is the main thing. It's something to think about.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 12
December 13, 2012
One activity that my daughter and I have shared over the years is going Christmas shopping for Mom. Usually we would spend the day together somewhere between December 23rd and 24th. We didn’t see the crowds as being a problem, nor the overflowing parking lots at the Malls; because we were on a mission! Had we dressed in “Camo” we would have looked our part; going into the battle of Christmas gift buying for Mom. Once we arrived at the mall and were inside, the question would be asked, “What are we going to get Mom for Christmas?” To which I would reply, “I don’t have a clue.” There we would go all around the Mall; store by store, until we had found and purchased just the right gift. Usually we would return to the first store after going to all the stores for the gift.
When I read about the early days of Mary the mother of Jesus as recorded in Luke 1:26-38, I think back to those days when my daughter was in her early teens. I cannot imagine her in Mary’s place. But yet, when I read of Mary’s great faith in the Lord when she said, “I am the Lord's servant; may it happen to me as you have said." I stand amazed at her spiritual maturity.
Here was a young girl ready to go through all the ridicule and abandonment from friends and family. She was willing to endure humility and persecution for what appeared to be guilt from the breaking the Law of God. Yet through it all Her faith sustained her. This Christmas season let us re-evaluate our faith in God. Is our faith only lip service or are we willing to live out our faith through it all. It’s something to think about.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 11
December 12, 2012
When my wife and I are in the car she usually drives, mainly because she says she doesn’t like my driving. I really think it’s about control. I mean, when I drive by myself I do fine. I keep my eyes moving, just like they tell you to do. I look to the left, then I look down the road, and then to the right, and then back again. It’s almost like a sprinkler going back and forth. Sometimes when I look to the left, the car begins to run over the little concrete turtles in the road and I have to rein it in between the lines so I won’t get into the other lane. When I look to the right the car runs over the washboards that let other people know they are running off the road, so I rein to the left and get back on course. I guess if the truth was known I would do better with a horse.
The Gospel according to Matthew (Matthew 2:1-12), tells of the foreign Magi who saw a star as a result of their star gazing that in their understanding, announced the birth of a king, which was to be born in Judah. So inspired were they that they followed a course of travel that was guided by the star until they had found the new born king. It is interesting that they did not find him in the palace, but in the place the religious leaders said had been prophesied, Bethlehem. And isn’t fascinating that the star led them straight to Jesus, where they bowed down giving homage and gifts to Him.
In Revelation 22:16 Jesus speaks of himself when He said, “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify these things to you over the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the bright and Morning Star.” This Christmas as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us place our hope upon the Morning Star who alone can give Peace. It’s something to think about.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 10
December 11, 2012
It was the night before my sixtieth birthday. The evening had been enjoyable as we had spent the evening with family. I was tired so I went to bed earlier than usual, since I am a night owl by nature. I was somewhere between awake and unconscious sleep when it happened. The whole world came crashing in. It sounded like a plane had gotten off course and crashed into the house. I must have come three feet straight in the air. My heart was in my throat; I don’t think it was beating. It was then I heard the laughter of my wife and daughter. They had waited until I was in a peaceful sleep before they had busted into the room banging pots and pans and anything else to make noise as a way of saying happy birthday. I still wonder why my wife asked before I went to bed if my life insurance was paid up.
Imagine what it must have been like for the shepherds relaxing around the camp fire on that star-filled night in the pastures between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The sheep had been gathered into the sheepfold, examined for thorn cuts, salved with ointment and bedded down for the night. The only sounds would be the quiet sounds of the sheep, the conversation of the shepherd and the night sounds. The sky and every space around the shepherds is filled the blinding light of the radiance of the messenger sent from God. So bright and so sudden does this happen that the shepherds are so afraid it physically hurts. The messenger angel had been dispatched to tell first, those of the lowliest profession; those who probably would never enter the temple to worship; those who possibly tended the sheep for atonement sacrifice that the Savior had been born.
As we re-read the story of the shepherds in Luke 2:8-20, remember that there are no insignificant individuals in God’s creation. Every person is invited to come and worship the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and to make him Lord of life. It’s something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 9
December 10, 2012
While Church planting in Arizona we decided to take a vacation with our parents. So we, my wife and son, my parents, and my wife's mother loaded our van and took off to the west coast specifically Anaheim and Disneyland the first day. After that we did not know how far we would drive, so hotel reservations were not made. The first days were great; everything went smooth until we got to San Francisco. We stopped at the first place, no rooms. The second and third were all the same: No rooms. We finally found a place in Oakland. Our first clue should have been the bars on the check in window, but we were tired and just needed a place to rest. The room wasn't much to talk about, probably a half star on a five star system. The walls were extremely thin so we heard everything next door. Between next door, yelling outside and the guy beating on our door (I think he was looking for someone next door) the night was very uneventful. Needless to say from that night forward we made sure we had a reservation before we rolled into town.
Since that time in Oakland, I have often wondered how Joseph must have felt not being able to find a place for Mary to give birth. I have also thought about the relief he must have felt when the innkeeper provided a place away from all the people that would have been much more quite than the inn with wall to wall people on their pallets. There was hay for a bed, a feed trough for a crib, and the quiet sounds of the animals at night.
In Luke 2:1-7 is that part of the real Christmas story. It's about God's provision for the birth of the Christ child. God had prepared an inn, a stable, and a feed trough to lay the baby Jesus in.
As we read the story, consider how God has provided for each of us and our families. Then let's prepare our hearts and provide a place for Jesus. It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 8
December 9, 2012
During my college days at Northeastern State University at Tahlequah, Oklahoma periodically I would get away by myself to my "special place". It was a high bluff overlooking a river nada pasture beyond it. I would spend an hour or so there as often as possible because it was so beautiful and peaceful. On top of the bluff was a tree that grew at an angle away from the bluff. On this day I decided I wanted to see the bottom of the bluff so I laid against the tree trunk and could look about 30 feet down. As I looked up a snake was looking at me eyeball to eyeball. Having a great discomfort around snakes, I began backing up as fast as I could, but not as fast as my feet were moving. After getting away from the snake and tree. And after I finally calmed down I was able to see God's beauty and experience His peace; and to thank Him that I hadn't had a heart attack or fell off the cliff.
Today begins the Advent week of Peace or Preparation. It’s a time of remembering that God had prepared everything for the birth of Jesus in the village of Bethlehem. Micah 5:2 says, "But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days."
Today, let's get away from the Christmas craziness and experience the peace of God and prepare our heart for Christmas. It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 7
December 8, 2012
This past December I received a phone call from my daughter's boyfriend. He quickly got to the reason for his call. He had a question; "Do you have an opinion about me asking your daughter to marry me?" To which I responded "Yes", followed by dead silence. After that long pause I told him that I felt that we needed to talk about it face to face. He responded, “Oh yes sir, I intended to do that, I just wanted to know what I needed to do to prepare." Needless to say we are now preparing for a wedding.
As we conclude the first week of Advent and the week of Hope; isn't it great that God had everything prepared for the birth of Jesus. He even had one to go before. Luke 1:17 "And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for The Lord."
As we celebrate Christmas, let us consider how we have prepared ourselves for the coming Lord? It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 6
December 7, 2012
Most of my childhood memories of Christmas took place at my grandmother's house. We would load the car with luggage and presents and take off to her house. When we finally made it, the first thing after hugs was to check out the dining room. That's where all the pies, homemade candy, and of course the white Christmas cake was. It was the one with the silver sugar beads and little red-hot on top of the ooey gooey white icing. My grandmother never failed to have everything prepared for her two favorite grandsons. Besides, that's all she had.
Going to her house was an event we always looked forward to.
The nation of Israel looked forward with great anticipation to the coming of the Messiah to provide deliverance from oppression and provide the things they longed for.
As we continue to prepare for Christmas let us make the heart preparation and live in expectation of God doing something only He can do. Read Isaiah 9:6 with the devotional thought for today, It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 5
December 6, 2012
As a pastor, Christmas Eve service has always been a fun time. We clear the pulpit furniture off the stage and replace it with a living room scene. At the beginning of the service we would invite the children to come down and sit with us as we sing songs and go through the biblical account of the birth of Jesus.
Throughout the Advent season during Pastor’s Pals we had been blessed to have guests talk with the children each week. Four characters came in the order of the candles; Isaiah, the Innkeeper, a shepherd and finally the angel. This all built up to the Christmas Eve service, where a character we called Marturion (Greek for witness) told of his roll to continue telling the story of Jesus coming and peoples future hope in him. During the time he was speaking he quoted John 3:16 for the children. After he left, it was my responsibility to bring everything together so that it would all have meaning. I ask the children, “Can you say John 3:16? Their response was to say in unison, “John three sixteen.” It was a good lesson on being prepared for anything.
The prophet Isaiah, in the midst of giving a Word from God concerning those who would make war, called upon Ahaz to ask for a sign from God. To which the Lord through Isaiah says in Isaiah 7:14,” So, the Lord Himself shall give you a sign. Behold, the virgin will conceive and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel.” This was God’s word of Hope and assurance for the Jewish nation.
On this the sixth day of advent, let us ask ourselves a question: Where are we placing our Hope? Or, what is or main focus and expectation on? Is it on the something that will not last; or on the One who came down the backstairs of heaven to be born in a barn, wrapped and laid in a feed trough? It’s something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 4
December 5, 2012
Growing up in Borger, Texas was a unique experience. My dad had played semi-pro baseball for the Borger Gassers in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. Needless to say he was known all over town. Whenever I would meet adults, after hearing my last name they would ask two question; “Are you Gilly’s son?” and “Do you play baseball like him?” Needless to say, the rebellious son could never get away with anything because people would always tell on me. If something happened at school, He knew it. If something happened anywhere He knew it. It wasn’t until I was older that I really came to appreciate the heritage of my father. You see his reputation was one of integrity based upon his faith in God.
Jesus’ earthly heritage was prophesied to be a king of the House of David. Jeremiah 23:5 says, “Behold, the days come, says Jehovah, that I will raise to David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and act wisely, and shall do judgment and justice in the earth.” All through the history of Israel they looked forward to a coming king who would deliver them from the oppression they had endured for so many years. Looking back we can see that when Jesus was born he had an earthly heritage through Joseph going back to Abraham, according to Matthew, and Adam according to Luke. His birth was a fulfillment of the Hope for all mankind and the one Israel looked forward to.
As we look forward to the celebration of Christmas, let us put our Hope and focus upon the one born in the city of David, to the earthly father of his heritage. It’s something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 3
December 4, 2012
Do you remember when you found out that you were going to be a parent? And then the long wait for the coming out party. With Those months were some of the longest months as we anticipated the birth of our children. There was that time of preparation of the "Baby's Room". Everything had to be perfect and just the right color, Safety approved bed and toys. It was a time of anticipation and preparation.
With our first child, getting to that point of announcement seemed like it was never going to happen. A very unique thing happened with us. We were at the funeral of a very dear member of the church we were serving in. After the service, one of the many favorite people walked up to my wife and told her not to worry that she would be pregnant within a month. And sure enough it happened.
Most of the prophecies about the coming Messiah happen within the context of something else that is happening. When God is speaking to the devil in Genesis 3:15 he said, "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He will bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel." The first statement of the coming of the Messiah came during a time when man had disobeyed God by giving in to temptation by the devil. God spoke of the one who would redeem mankind back.
All the Old Testament builds toward that great day a baby was born, swaddled and place in a feed trough.
In the same way we anticipated and prepared for the birth of our own child; let us make the same preparation for the coming Savior. It’s something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 2
December 3, 2012
One Christmas my older brother and I asked for a leather football. It couldn't be rubber or artificial leather it had to be leather. As the presents began appearing under the tree, there was one particular present that caught our eye. It was the one that was the shape of a football box. We were so excited. Every day we would check under the tree to make Shure it wasn't gone, anticipating Christmas morning when we could actually hold it in our hands. One day we were home alone when the anticipation (temptation) got to us. Very carefully we opened the end so as not to tear the paper. There it was a leather football. So we took it out to see how it felt. But the living room isn't the best place to throw a football; so we took it outside. After playing football with neighborhood boys, we very carefully put it back into the box and resealed it till Christmas, living with the anticipation.
Christmas morning the first present we wanted to open was that present. When we opened the football box what we found were soap horses for the bathroom. We never saw that football again. But we never peeked again either.
God promised Abram in Genesis 12:3 and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed. This was referring to the coming of Jesus. Abraham lived in anticipation of that promise being fulfilled. He lived with his focus and faith upon the promised word of God. Abraham's faith in God is what was counted for his righteousness.
As we anticipate Christmas, let's consider our focus and faith in the promises God made and fulfilled in the baby born in the stable. It's something to think about.
Christmas Advent 2012 Day 1
December 2, 2012
The auditorium was almost completely decorated; the wreaths were hung, the garland was up, the Christmon tree decorated, the poinsettias were on the stage steps and each piece of the Nativity was placed on the Communion table. From the congregation came a child's voice saying, "You forgot the baby! You see everything was in place but one thing. It was the baby Jesus.
This year as we prepare for the Christmas celebration let's not forget the baby. He is the real reason for this season. The apostle Paul said in Galatians 4:4, "But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that we're under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." It's something to think about.
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