Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Advent 2012, Christmas Day

I really hope your Christmas Day has been as fun and relaxed as our's has been. And I hope that these short devotional thoughts have caused you to think (ponder) about Christmas. It has been good to think and reflect upon people, places and events that have been a part of my put-to-gather. Let me close out with this thought. Do you remember growing up with nicknames? Some had to do with relationships like Junior. Some were related to who was the oldest or the youngest: in our neighborhood there was Big Randy and Little Randy. Every boy had a nickname; some were good and some, let's say were not too becoming. When the angel of The Lord appeared to Joseph and also Mary, he told them to call the baby Jesus, meaning Savior. Isaiah speaks of the coming baby as being called Immanuel, meaning God with us. John's gospel says He came to his own, meaning God came down to us. Jesus came down the backstairs of heaven, took upon himself the form of a child,was born in the most humble of circumstances to a virgin girl and a brave carpenter. His birth was announced to the humblest of servants by an angel sent from God, As we begin the religious calendar year let's commit to not forget the baby each day by committing our life to him. It's something to think about. Blessings