Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Advent 2012 Day 19

December 20, 2012 Thirty years ago this December we welcomed our son into this world. As hard as it is to believe, this was back before cell phones and especially cell phones with cameras and text messaging and everything we enjoy now. To announce his birth I had to get on a pay phone, connect with the operator and give the number. Although it only took a minute or so, it seemed like an hour before my dad was on the line and I could share the news of the first grandchild being born. One thing that they did in the hospital for the birth certificate was to make an ink image of his foot. In addition the nurse made an image of his foot on a note card for his scrap book and handed it to me. As the day went on and people were coming by, our best friends volunteered to sit with my wife and allow me to go get something to eat. Once seated at the restaurant, the waitress came to the table and asked if we were ready to order. I announced that I was a new dad. She kindly congratulated me, upon which I asked if she would like to see a picture of my new born son. She again politely said yes. So I immediately produced the note card with my son’s footprint and asked if she could see a resemblance. We all had a good laugh and a wonderful conversation. According to Luke 2:17-18; When the shepherds saw him, they told them what the angel had said about the child. And all those who heard marveled about the things spoken to them by the shepherds. Seeing and experiencing the Christ child must have been an experience they could not contain within themselves. They had to tell others. As we celebrate Christmas let us also come into His presence and remember what He has done for us. If we really get serious with our observations we will not be able to contain ourselves, but will want to share with others the good things He has done. It’s something to think about.

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